
Shoot The Power Of Your BRAIN With Choline A Natural Macro Nutrient

By PC Luis Quiroz Ravines

In general 90% of people are deficient in a natural chemical element, essential to feed the brain and that is involved in different functions such as muscle control, sleep and especially memory.

Basic components are necessary to build this element but unfortunately we are not obtaining it in sufficient quantity. The reality is that as we get older our body needs this chemical element more, unfortunately, as we get older our body produces less of this element.

And what is this element?

Choline, a macronutrient belonging to the B vitamins, is actually little known; the hill was recognized as an essential nutrient, only in 1998.

Choline is the main block in the construction of acetylcholine; and the brain to maintain clear communication among billions of neurons burns acetylcholine 24 hours a day. Some disorders such as dementia, depression and Alzheimer’s are linked to acetylcholine deficiency.

And if there is no choline, there is no acetylcholine.

On the other hand, very low levels of choline can produce symptoms, such as:

Confusion and brain fog

Problems sleeping

Fatigue and lack of energy.

Memory loss


A study that included 744 women and 647 men showed that those who consumed the most choline enjoyed a better cognitive performance. The study was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Another study in a first phase evaluated people with deficient choline and found deficiencies below normal.

The study was conducted by Northwestern University in Chicago and in the second stage people were divided into 2 groups and one was given additional choline and the other group was not.

After 6 months the group that received additional choline showed a dramatic improvement in their memory levels as opposed to the group that did not receive additional choline and showed no improvement.

The best sources of CHOLINE

The foods with the highest choline content are eggs, beef, turkey and chicken livers, bacon, salmon, cranberries, pistachios, shiake mushrooms, etc.

But it seems that the intake of choline through food is always insufficient, for this reason, Dr. Al Sears, suggests ingesting additionally, 500 mg of choline. Better if it is in the form of cytidine 5′-diphosphocholine, whose abbreviation is CDP, a form of choline very easy to absorb and that the brain uses immediately.

Other necessary supplements of the Choline

Memory needs additional supplements such as DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) that works synergistically with choline to produce acetylcholine. About 100 mg of DMAE per day is needed to improve brain function.

Important sources of DMAE are sardines and salmon

Lemon balm tea is another good alternative to increase brain function. This herb (Melissa Officinalis) has been shown to significantly improve cognitive function, brain alertness and memory. Adults consuming the lemon balm tea, almost immediately increased their memory levels and is why this herb increases the activity of acetylcholine. About two to three times a day dramatically increases math skills.

NOTE: Luis Quiroz Ravines is a Peruvian journalist specializing in Natural Health, author of an effective treatment to stop hair loss naturally. Learn MORE at

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