Younger and ehealthier

Younger and less stressed if you visit nature frequently

  1. Luis Quiroz Ravines

Younger spending time in nature?

What are the benefits of health frequently found with nature? It is not only our personal intuition that contact with nature produces emotional and behavioral changes, but especially numerous scientific studies have shown that health and nature relationship is important. People under severe stress or other traumas, only quiet and silently contemplating a landscape of nature have found relief from their emotional problems.

Gregory Bratman of Stanford University has studied the emotional and psychological effects of the city and countryside and has shown that people who have more contact with nature feel happier after that experience. Apparently, the brain works differently and in a more positive state of mind after a walk outdoors, breathing fresh air and serene nature, if only it be a walk in the city park.

A study at the University of Essex in the UK found that a simple walk in the countryside reduces depression by up to 71% and a light walk just 5 minutes through a garden or around a park improves self-esteem, encouragement, and motivation.

Howard Clinebell coined the term “ecotherapy” is now known as nature therapy or green therapy and applied correctly relieves depression, anxiety, and stress.

Craig Chalquist of University John Kennedy co-author of the book “Ecotherapy: Healing Thinking On Nature”, says that has not been shown to spend time with nature will cure or prevent any specific disease, but that the contemplation of nature It offers a sense of hope and comfort. Chalquist is Professor of Ecotherapy and the University Kennedy gives a Post Graduate Academic title in Ecotherapy, which includes assisted therapy, stress management, horticultural therapy and management of eco-anxiety.

Over millions of years, humans have depended on nature but this began to change in the last thousand years. In essence, humans have an innate attraction to connect with nature and modern life has led to what Louv calls “nature deficit disorder, a situation which affect health conditions.


One study concluded that while living farther from green spaces, more are the chances of immune disorders and health impairments. Depression, anxiety, obesity and even cancer may be associated with minimal or no exposure to nature. The cure, however, seems to be simple: a simple walk could have positive effects. When a group of stressed women had a walk in the countryside, a surprising 86% said their mood improved.

The Japanese are leaders in ecotherapy, where they created the term “forest bath”. Have been conducted in Japan numerous investigations and one study showed that frequent nature and have a walk of just 15 minutes, helping to reduce levels of cortisol that causes stress, high blood pressure, and heart rate, at higher levels than have the same 15-minute ride into the city.

The neural scientist at the University of Utah, David Strayer, co-directed a study and found that a group of people who spent four days in the woods, were 50% more creative after that ride. Other research indicated that after a one-hour hike between trees in a forest, significantly increased energy levels and memory walkers.

In 2010 in a Japanese study, researchers found that the sound of running water, the smell of wood, the murmur of wind and forest landscape reduced stress and produced relaxation with walkers and even levels were observed less frequently pulse and blood pressure.

Take a bath nature has its results and benefits, 90% of people who took a one-hour walk in a park reported higher self-esteem and 71% reported feeling less depressed.

According to the University of Michigan, forest walks are linked to more positive mental health and lower stress levels. A walk through a park, a forest or an area full of foliage, you can improve your focus, strengthen immunity, relax your mind and eliminate stress.

NOTE: Luis Quiroz Ravines is a Peruvian journalist specializing in Natural Health, author of an effective treatment to stop hair loss naturally. Learn more at STOP HAIR LOSS NATURAL SOLUTION


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