
I Reveal My Antiviral Recipe “QuiroSEVEN” To Strengthen My IMMUNITY

Unexpected Reality

If the time comes (hopefully it never will) that the virus will overtake everything: no hospitals to treat you, no doctors, no medicines, no oxygen, no mechanical respirators, and vaccines will not come, that is, you are absolutely helpless, the only OPTION is Defend yourself and the most sensible way is to build a strong immune system.

The following recipe is a desperate effort on my part to defend myself and defend my family by enhancing our immune system.

I’m not telling you to prepare this recipe, I’m just telling you what I’m doing at home. I prepare syrup and an extract. There are many natural antiviral products, but I have selected the ones I always have on hand and they are cheap.


This content is provided for informational purposes only and the author does not promise or guarantee any cure or encourage the preparation of this recipe. Check with your trusted doctor if you suffer from any illness or disease. Only you will decide whether or not to apply the information in this book and that decision is your sole responsibility.

A Little Bit About Me

My name is Luis Quiroz Ravines, I was born in San Juan de Yanác, a mountain town, nestled between high mountains, pure air and blue sky, in the Department of Cajamarca, in Peru, South America.

I am a Peruvian Professor and Journalist, interested in Natural Health and have created numerous products to alleviate various diseases.

Over the course of about 25 years I have interviewed thousands of people on local television and currently I am trying to carry out my charitable activities, and at the same time, take care of my health and whenever possible, the health of others.

My life lesson learned is simple: “Health is the most important thing in life” Without health nothing makes sense.

In the near future, I hope to give you my book “How I Cured Fibromyalgia Naturally.” and other natural health books

My blog    Improve Your Health Naturally

My sites   The Miracle of Sharing.Org
                  Stop Hair Loss Natural Solution



The ideal is to prepare the “QuiroSEVEN Syrup” with all the elements listed below, but I prepare it with the ingredients that I have available. Naturally fewer ingredients less protection


anti virus


Garlic has been prized for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. The allicin and alliion compounds are responsible for the reputation of this common plant as a triple threat. Garlic is antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal and is especially effective against viruses if chewed raw




Rich source of antioxidants

Rich source of sulfur

Strengthen immunity

It can help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.

Inhibits hardening of the arteries,

Improves the elasticity of blood vessels.

It prevents certain types of cancer.

It can help regulate blood sugar levels.


Onions are a rich source of vitamin C and phytochemicals that help strengthen our immune system. Vitamin C is an essential water-soluble vitamin that our bodies need to produce collagen. Collagen is a type of protein that plays an important role in wound healing and immune support.


anti virus

Lemons are rich in vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, flavonoids and compounds called limonins”says Alissa Rumsey, a registered dietitian in New York, a certified strength and conditioning specialist and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Lemons are found in lemon juice.”


“Vitamin C plays a role in immunity and helps neutralize free radicals in our bodies.” According to the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells and can protect the integrity of immune cells. Vitamin C helps protect white blood cells, which produce antiviral substances.

Antimicrobial properties

A 2017 study in The Journal of Functional Foods found that fermented sweet lemon juice showed antibacterial activity against E. coli bacteria.

Lemon peel


Significant amounts of the vitamin. “C” is concentrated in the peel of lemons.

A 2017 study, “Citrus Phytochemicals: Applications in Functional Foods,” describes how solvents made with lemon peel show antimicrobial activity against salmonella, staph, and other pathogenic bacteria.



It can be used both in aqueous and alcoholic extracts and in essential oil. It can help control bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Its plant compounds, which include carvacrol, offer powerful antiviral properties.

Turmeric, Turmeric or Saffron


A relative of ginger, this vivid orange-yellow spice is common in Indian, Southeast Asian, and Middle Eastern cuisine. It has also been used as a medicine in places like India for centuries to treat respiratory problems. Lately, turmeric has been touted as a superfood that can fight cancer, ease depression, and more. Find out what turmeric can, and cannot, do for your health.


Various compounds in turmeric can support your health. The best known of these is curcumin. Scientists are excited about curcumin’s potential to ease depression and help antidepressants work better.

Viral infections

The next time you’re out in the weather, you may want to have some turmeric tea. Curcumin may help you fight a variety of viruses, including herpes and the flu. Keep in mind that turmeric is only 3% curcumin, and your body doesn’t absorb curcumin well. curcumin, has a “low bioavailability”, we mean that the body can only use a small part of the amount we consume.

Turmeric is an extraordinary plant for health

 Supports healthy triglyceride levels. Patients taking curcumin experienced 60% improvement in maintaining healthy fat blood levels.
Journal of Phytotherapy Research

 Boost working memory, reduced mental fatigue and enhanced mood.

Journal of Psychopharmacology

 Equals 1 hour of daily exercise for better heart health.

Journal of Nutrition Research

Supports healthy blood sugar levels. 100% of people taking curcumin
had a healthier response to insulin

Journal of Diabetes of Care

Supports healthy blood pressure levels

Journal of Renal Nutrition

 Reduce the risk of a sudden cardiac event by 56%

American Journal of Cardiology

 Support joint comfort and easy pain-free mobility. People taking curcumin saw pain scores drop by 60% and stiffness scores drop by 73%

Journal of Alternative Medicine Review

 Promote radiant skin. Found to inhibit a key enzyme that prevents elastin from forming by up to 65%. Elastin is essential to smooth young skin.

Journal BioMed Control Complementary and Alternative Medicine

 Lengthess healthier lifespan by 25%. That is the equivalent of adding 15 – 20 healthy years to your life on average

Age Journal

 Support hassle – Free, smooth digestive. Two thirds of patients taking curcumin experienced healthy gut performance

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

 Support healthy inflammation levels after an exercise regimen. Patients taking curcumin saw their markers of inflammation reduced 25% compared to the placebo.

| University of North Texas

Support sharp vision and healthy eyes. 100% of people who took curcumin saw support for healthy middle layers of eyeball tissue

Journal of Phyto Therapy Research

Supports and helps maintain telomere length. Telomere shortening is now proven as the # 1 cause of aging. So it is the equivalent of freezing time.

University of Newcastle

 Support clean, free-flowing arteries. Patients taking curcumin saw 25% of gunk unclogged from their arteries.

A study presented at the American Heart Association Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Annual Conference

The Curcuma Problem

The problem of this powerful natural medicine, wonderful for the brain and for the whole organism, is its poor absorption into the organism. Maximum absorbs 4 – 5% which is not enough for effective performance in treating diseases.

So turmeric is valuable if it is actually absorbed and crosses the brain barrier.

And here is the solution …

Black pepper

anti viral

After several studies, it has been concluded that taking turmeric with black pepper (its main compound piperine) can improve the absorption of curcumin by up to 2,000%, and that only 20 mg of piperine is needed for every 2 grams of curcumin to obtain this effect

Kion or ginger


Ginger products, such as elixirs, teas, and lozenges, are popular natural remedies, and for good reason. Ginger has been shown to have impressive antiviral activity thanks to its high concentration of powerful plant compounds.

Test-tube research shows that ginger extract has antiviral effects against avian influenza, RSV, and feline calicivirus (FCV), which is comparable to human norovirus

Additionally, specific compounds in ginger, such as gingerols and zingerone, have been found to inhibit viral replication and prevent viruses from entering host cells.


anti viral

Many types of basil, including sweet and holy varieties, can fight certain viral infections.

For example, a test-tube study found that sweet basil extracts, including compounds like apigenin and ursolic acid, exhibited potent effects against the herpes virus, hepatitis B, and the enterovirus.

Holy basil, also known as tulsi, has been shown to boost immunity, which can help fight viral infections.

In a 4-week study in 24 healthy adults, supplementation with 300 mg of holy basil extract significantly increased levels of helper T cells and natural killer cells, which are immune cells that help protect and defend your body from infection. viral

Honey bee


A good source of antioxidants

Raw honey contains a variety of plant chemicals that act as antioxidants. Some types of honey have as many antioxidants as fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants help protect your body from cellular damage due to free radicals.

Free radicals contribute to the aging process and can also contribute to the development of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. Research shows that the antioxidant compounds in honey called polyphenols may play a role in preventing heart disease.

Antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Research has shown that raw honey can kill unwanted bacteria and fungi. Naturally contains hydrogen peroxide, an antiseptic. Its effectiveness as an antibacterial or antifungal varies according to honey, but it is clearly more than a popular remedy for this type of infection.


QuiroSEVEN – Syrup


-7 cloves of garlic

-7- medium pieces of onion

-7 lemons (juice of 7 lemons)

-3 lemon skins

-1 tablespoon of oregano

-7 medium pieces of kion or ginger

-7 pieces of fresh saffron or 3 tablespoons of

ground turmeric

-7 black peppercorns

-7-fresh basil leaves

-½ cup of honey from bees


1- Wash all the components that need to be washed very well wash and cut them into small pieces.

2- Place in the glass of a blender or Nutribullet, garlic, onion, lemon peel, saffron

fresh (or tablespoons of turmeric powder, the

pepper, oregano, and basil. Do not add lemon juice or honey.

3- Add a cup of water and process

conveniently until a fine mixture is obtained,

smooth and uniform.

4- Pour the mixture into a pot and add sugar


5- Bring to a simmer and simmer about 10 -15

minutes. Stir constantly

6- Two minutes before removing add the juice of the 6 lemons. Then remove from heat and let cool.

7- Add ½ cup of honey from bees when

the mix is ​ still warm

8- Pour the syrup into a glass jar and store in the fridge-


Consume one tablespoon of syrup in the morning and another in the afternoon or at least one tablespoon in the morning, cold or slightly warm.


In addition to this syrup, I consume 1,000 mg daily. (1 gram) of “Vitamin C”. You do not consume if you are allergic to ascorbic acid.


Although these natural antivirals have many healthy qualities, it is always recommended that you seek your doctor’s approval before consuming or using them as an herbal remedy. Pregnant women (or think they may be pregnant), who are breastfeeding, who are currently using prescription medications, or those with underlying medical conditions should always seek medical approval before using natural antivirals.

If you dare to prepare this syrup, CAREFULLY OBSERVE any adverse reactions, allergies, vision problems, or others, and discontinue your intake immediately.

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anti viral

For diabetics:

QuiroSEVEN – Extract


-7 cloves of garlic

-7- medium pieces of onion

-7 lemons (juice of 7 lemons)

-3 lemon skins

-1 tablespoon of oregano

-7 medium pieces of kion or ginger

-7 pieces of fresh saffron or 3 tablespoons of

ground turmeric

-7 black peppercorns

-7-fresh basil leaves

– 500 ml. (1/2 liter) of brandy, cane, dry wine

(without sugar), rum, wisky or vocka as a means to macerate.


1- Wash all the components that need to be washed very well

wash and cut them into small pieces.

2- Place in the glass of a blender or Nutribullet,

garlic, onion, lemon peel, saffron

fresh (or tablespoons of turmeric powder, the

pepper, oregano, basil and the juice of the


3- Conveniently process until a mixture is obtained

fine, smooth, and uniform.

4- Pour into a wide-mouth glass jar and add half a liter of brandy, cane, or rum and leave macerate 15 days.

5- Strain properly and store the extract in frigider.


Consume a tablespoon of the extract in a glass of water in the morning or alternatively 40 – 60 drops in a glass of water.


Like syrup, seek the approval of your doctor before consuming this extract. Pregnant women (or think they may be pregnant), breastfeeding, currently using prescription medications, or those with underlying medical conditions should always seek approval from a doctor before using natural antivirals.

If you consume the extract, WATCH OUT for any adverse reactions, allergies, vision problems, or others, and stop taking it immediately.


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