anti virus

How To Make A Powerful Homemade ANTI VIRAL Syrup

By P.C. Luis Quiroz Ravines

anti virus

In difficult and pandemic times, Strengthening the Immune System can be a sensible decision.


This content is provided for informational purposes only and the author does not promise or guarantee any cure. Check with your trusted doctor if you suffer from any illness or disease. Only you will decide whether or not to apply the information in this book and that decision is your sole responsibility.

A Little Bit About Me

My name is Luis Quiroz Ravines, I was born in San Juan of Yanác, a mountain town, nestled between high mountains, clean air and blue sky, in the Department of Cajamarca, in Peru, South America.

I am a Peruvian Professor and Journalist, interested in Natural Health and have created numerous products to alleviate various diseases.

Over the course of about 25 years I have interviewed thousands of people on local television and currently I try to carry out my charitable activities, and at the same time, take care of my health and whenever possible, the health of others.

My life lesson learned is simple: “Health is the most important thing in life” Without health nothing makes sense.

In the near future, I hope to give you my book “How I Cured Fibromyalgia Naturally.” and other natural health books.

My blog                  Improve Your Health Naturally

My websites          The Miracle of

                               Stop Hair Loss Natural Solution

         Syrup Components

The ideal is to prepare  “Quiroz INMUNO Virus”,  with all the elements indicated below, but you can prepare it with the ingredients that you have available. Naturally fewer ingredients less protection


anti virus


Garlic has been prized for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. The compounds allicin and alliion are responsible for this common plant’s reputation as a triple threat. Garlic is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal and it is especially effective against viruses if chewed raw.


anti virus


  • Rich source of antioxidants
  • Rich source of sulfur (amino acids needed for protein synthesis)
  • They strengthen immunity
  • May help to lower cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Inhibits hardening of the arteries,
  • Enhances elasticity of blood vessels
  • Prevents certain types of cancer
  • May help to regulate blood sugar levels


Onions are a rich source of both vitamin C and phytochemicals which helps to strengthen our immune systems.  Vitamin C is an essential water-soluble vitamin that our bodies need to make collagen.  Collagen is a type of protein that plays an important role in wound healing and immunity support.



anti virus


“Lemons are high in vitamin C, folate, potassium, flavonoids and compounds called limonins,” said Alissa Rumsey, a New York City-based registered dietitian, certified strength and conditioning specialist and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Limonins are found in the juice of the lemon.”


“Vitamin C is plays a role in immunity and helps neutralize free radicals in our body,” said Rumsey. According to the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells and may protect the integrity of immune cells. Vitamin C helps protect leukocytes, which produces antiviral substances.

Antimicrobial properties

Lemons are known for their antimicrobial properties. A 2017 book, “Phytochemicals in Citrus: Applications in Functional Foods,” describes how solvents made with lemon peel show antimicrobial activity against salmonella, staphylococcus and other pathogenic bacteria. A 2017 study in The Journal of Functional Foods found that fermented sweet lemon juice showed antibacterial activity against E. coli bacteria.

Lemon peel


anti virus

Significant amounts of the vitamin. “C” focus onthe peel of lemons.

A 2017 study, “Citrus Phytochemicals: Applications in Functional Foods,” describes how solvents made with lemon peel show antimicrobial activity against salmonella, staphylococci, and other pathogenic bacteria.



anti virus

It can be used both in aqueous and alcoholic extracts and in essential oil. It can help control bacteria, fungi, and viruse

Its plant compounds, which include carvacrol, offer antiviral properties



anti virus

A relative of ginger, this vivid yellow-orange spice is common in Indian, Southeast Asian, and Middle Eastern cooking. It’s also been used as medicine in places like India for centuries to treat issues such as breathing problems. Lately, turmeric has been touted as a super food that can fight cancer, ease depression, and more. Find out what turmeric can — and can’t — do for your health.


Several compounds in turmeric may support your health. The most well-known of these is curcumin. Scientists are excited about curcumin’s potential to ease depression and help antidepressants work better.

Viral Infections

The next time you’re under the weather, you may want to sip some turmeric tea. Curcumin might help you to fight off a variety of viruses, including herpes and the flu. Keep in mind that turmeric is only about 3% curcumin, and your body doesn’t absorb curcumin well.

Black pepper


anti virus

After several studies, it has been concluded that taking turmeric with black pepper (its main compound piperine) can improve the absorption of curcumin by up to 2,000%, and that only 20 mg of piperine is needed for each 2 grams of curcumin to obtain this effect


anti virus

Ginger products, such as elixirs, teas, and lozenges, are popular natural remedies — and for good reason. Ginger has been shown to have impressive antiviral activity thanks to its high concentration of potent plant compounds.

Test-tube research demonstrates that ginger extract has antiviral effects against avian influenza, RSV, and feline calicivirus (FCV), which is comparable to human norovirus

Additionally, specific compounds in ginger, such as gingerols and zingerone, have been found to inhibit viral replication and prevent viruses from entering

Ginger products, such as elixirs, teas, and lozenges, are popular natural remedies — and for good reason. Ginger has been shown to have impressive antiviral activity thanks to its high concentration of potent plant compounds.

Test-tube research demonstrates that ginger extract has antiviral effects against avian influenza, RSV, and feline calicivirus (FCV), which is comparable to human norovirus (

Additionally, specific compounds in ginger, such as gingerols and zingerone, have been found to inhibit viral replication and prevent viruses from entering


anti virus

Propolis has antimicrobial (antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiviral) and probably immunostimulatory properties. Activates fibrocytes and inhibits histamine secretion by mast cells.

It is also a powerful bactericide against numerous germs, such as bacilli, staphylococci, streptococci, candida … Therefore, propolis is effective in the treatment of food poisoning, dental caries, and urinary and skin infections, among other conditions. In addition, propolis extracts even potentiate the effects of certain antibiotics.

For millions of years, bees have defended their hives against attacks by bacteria, fungi, viruses and others with this valuable element.


anti virus

Many types of basil, including the sweet and holy varieties, may fight certain viral infections.

For example, one test-tube study found that sweet basil extracts, including compounds like apigenin and ursolic acid, exhibited potent effects against herpes viruses, hepatitis B, and enterovirus .

Holy basil, also known as tulsi, has been shown to increase immunity, which may help fight viral infections.

In a 4-week study in 24 healthy adults, supplementing with 300 mg of holy basil extract significantly increased levels of helper T cells and natural killer cells, both of which are immune cells that help protect and defend your body from viral infections.

Bee honey

anti virus

A good source of antioxidants

Raw honey contains an array of plant chemicals that act as antioxidants. Some types of honey have as many antioxidants as fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants help to protect your body from cell damage due to free radicals.

Free radicals contribute to the aging process and may also contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Research shows that antioxidant compounds in honey called polyphenols may play a role in preventing heart disease

Antibacterial and antifungal properties

Research has shown that raw honey can kill unwanted bacteria and fungus. It naturally contains hydrogen peroxide, an antiseptic. Its effectiveness as an antibacterial or antifungal varies depending on the honey, but it’s clearly more than a folk remedy for these kinds of infections.

Where to find some products?

Most of the components of “Quiroz INMUNO Virus” can be found in your own locality.

For products such as propolis, vit. C and others here are two good sources that send to the whole world

Quiroz INMUNO Virus


5 garlic cloves
2 red onions
7 lemons
2 lemon peels
½ teaspoon oregano or thyme
1 tablespoon turmeric powder or 2 rhizomes
medium fresh saffron
4 black peppercorns
1 medium piece of kion or ginger
1 cup good quality bee honey
If you want to further boost antiviral syrup, add
1 capsule of propolis
1 medium basil bouquet


1- Wash all components to be washed very well
and cut them into small pieces.
2- Place in the glass of a blender or Nutribullet, garlic,
onions, lemon peels, oregano, fresh saffron (or tablespoon
turmeric powder) pepper, capsule powder propolis and basil.
3- Add the juice of the 7 lemons
4- Conveniently process until a smooth mixture is obtained
5- Add the cup of bee honey and process a few more seconds.
(or you can remove the preparation and in a separate tank add
the honey and mix well)
6- Pour the syrup into a glass jar and store in the fridge-


Consume one tablespoon of syrup daily (or 2 if you are not diabetic) one in the morning and another tablespoon in the afternoon.

At this syrup, consume 1,000 mg daily. (1 gram) of “Vitamin C”, if you are not allergic to ascorbic acid. And a minimum of 500 mg. Vitamin D3 daily, take a few minutes a day in the sun and try to reduce stress.
In this way you will have a better prepared immune system to defend against any virus or disease.

If you notice any unwanted reaction


Although these natural antivirals have many healthy qualities, it is always recommended that you seek your doctor’s approval, before consuming or using them as an herbal remedy. Pregnant women (or think they may be pregnant), who are breastfeeding, who are currently using prescription drugs, or those with underlying medical conditions should always seek medical approval before using natural antivirals.


Aside from the syrup, you must control your glucose levels. High glucose levels weaken the immune system.
Above 130, excess glucose produces the Dicarbonyl protein, which in turn produces the MGO and GO proteins. These proteins reduce or eliminate a substance called B-DEFENSIL that activates the functioning of the immune system. And without B-DEFENSIL your immune system drops or is killed.

While the pandemic lasts, reduce sugar, sweets, carbohydrates and junk food. A healthy diet with fruits and vegetables, plenty of water and protein can help to this end.


anti viral

Fast Antiviral Tea

If you don’t want to make Quiroz INMUNO Virus syrup, and need to boost your defenses, try this quick tea:

-1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers
-½ teaspoon oregano or thyme
-juice of a lemon
-4 drops of echinacea extract
-½ or 1 tablespoon of honey bees.

Bring a cup of water to a boil and add the fresh or dried chamomile and oregano (or thyme) and simmer for a few minutes. Remove and strain, then add the juice of one lemon, the echinacea drops, and the honey bees. Drink a small cup daily.

Corona Virus – (COVID 19)

 Incredibly Simple Effective Prevention?

Dr. Clement Weber Director of the Swavin Hospital in Munich, Germany,  and his research team observed 9 patients with a virus crown to discover where the virus was staying and after 14 days of studies they discovered that during a first period, the virus was staying in the throat from which it multiplied and ended up invading the entire bloodstream and especially the lungs.

The study was published in the prestigious journal Nature. Nature is the world’s leading international weekly scientific journal and is Nature Research’s flagship journal

The study showed that:

First 7 days the virus only lodges in the throat
From the 8th day the virus was found in the blood of 50% of patients
At 14 days the virus was 100% in the blood

That is, during the first 7 days we can attack the virus, and try to stop it only by attacking the throat.

And how do we do this?

Dr. Satomura, a Japanese researcher, in his study “Prevention of Upper Respiratory Infections with Gargling with Salt” showed in 387 patients that those who “gargled with salt” had 38% less infection and people who had had infection recovered faster.

Publimed, a digital publication of the United States Government after evaluating this treatment, concludes

“Simple gargling with water was effective in preventing urinary tract infections among healthy people. This practically free modality would significantly benefit the general population ”

New York Times says:

A saline solution can remove excess fluid from inflamed tissues in the throat, making them less painful, said Dr. Philip T. Hagen, editor-in-chief of the “Mayo Clinic”

Doctors 100 years ago, treated their patients with respiratory infections by instructing them to gargle with salt.


It appears that corona virus only reproduces (just like cancer cells) in an acidic PH environment and dies in an alkaline PH environment.

And common table salt has a PH 7, that is neutral

As prevention, some recommend gargling salt, one or more times a day, adding to 1/2 glass of warm water 1 teaspoon of salt (even a tablespoon

If some of the saline fluid passes and some viruses pass, stomach acids will probably take care of them

BETTER than salt?

Baking soda that has a PH 8.3 that is to say very alkaline.

The recipe for lemon juice with baking soda is popular for cancer prevention, perhaps because Dr. Linus Paulin won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering that cancer cells multiply rapidly in an acidic PH environment of 6 down, and die in an alkaline PH environment, from 7 up. Baking soda is alkaline and the lemon being acidic in the body becomes alkaline.

Naturists recommend gargling bicarbonate one or more times a day by adding ½ teaspoon bicarbonate to ½ glass of warm water.
Frank Suárez, specialist in Metabolism, recommends making steam aspirations with plain water or water with eucalyptus. It seems that the coronavirus is deactivated at 57 ° and the hot vapors that enter through the mouth and nose could help.


The WHO (World Health Organization) warns NOT to consume NSAIDs in case of coronavirus. NSAIDs or Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can speed up the coronavirus infectious process. Within this group are ibuprofen, dexketoprofen, diclofenac or naproxen, paracetamol, aspirin, among others.


Spanish, Italian and Chinese doctors and from other parts of the world who have treated numerous patients with coronavirus, had a virtual conference and revealed that there are two very effective dewormers to reduce infection by up to 50%, in just 48 hours, one of them It is called Colufase and the other Ivermectin. And to alleviate the symptoms, these doctors say Azithromycin, an antibiotic that keeps the airways clear to relieve infection, is used-


I do not claim that these treatments work to prevent COVID 19. I only describe these facts for informational purposes. Always consult your doctor before applying any of these treatments. You could be allergic to any of these substances. Each organism reacts differently.

Other natural products with
remarkable antiviral activity

Coconut oil

Thyme, is a very complete plant, since it is antiseptic, antifungal and with proven antiviral action. It is used as a compound of many anti-herpes.

Siberian Ginseng
Colloidal Silver
Green Tea
Cat’s claw
Baking soda

Cat’s claw (Uncaria tormentosa)
The root or rhizome is used. Alcoholic or hydroalcoholic extracts are powerful antivirals, while aqueous extracts are used as immune boosters. This is a plant that has shown uncommon efficacy in boosting the immune system for the treatment of tumor lesions

Beer yeast

Foods that help improve
the immune system

Red pepper
Wheat germ
Sunflower seeds


  • Drink more water, especially hot water (teas)
    • Sleep well
    • Reduce stress and practice meditation
    • keep warm


  • Smoke
    • Use of marijuana and drugs (cocaine, MDMA,
  • Alcohol
    • Added sugars (soft drinks, flours, etc.)
    • Processed foods
    • Dairy products

Personal hygiene

  • Frequent hand washing
    • Do not touch the face
    • Not by the hand
    • Cover your mouth completely if you cough
    • Do not bite your nails or put your hands on the
    • Do not touch the door handles: use   paper to open the doors

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