Foods You Should Eat

Foods You Should Eat and Foods You Should Not Eat

PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines

What foods should you eat daily? Most nutritionists and food experts recommend a varied diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and water.

But since antioxidants destroyers of free radicals that damage cellular DNA were discovered, it is recommended to consume food that nourishes and simultaneously prevent disease, especially cancer and heart disease. But on the opposite side they are advised not to consume certain demonstrably harmful to health foods.

Dr. Joe Vinson from Scranton University says that the ideal is to eat a varied diet for the wide range of benefits they offer.

Today we will review some foods you should eat frequently and if possible daily and others you should avoid at all costs. At first, some call them super foods that provide nutrients, low in calories and are delicious and the seconds should never be in your diet.

Foods you should eat each day


Broccoli is a potent anti carcinogenic due to its content of sulforaphane, a sulfur compound that much power if you submit to steamed broccoli about 3 to 4 minutes. These sulfurs stimulate our genes to increase production of enzymes that remove potentially carcinogenic substances.

Daily consumption of broccoli could dramatically reduce the risk of stomach cancer, lung, breast, colon, etc. A cup of broccoli is cheap and you can combine with fruits and vegetables.


Blueberries contain high amounts of vitamin C, and contain more antioxidants than 40 common fruits and vegetables.

Blueberries are ideal to prevent age-related blindness, cancer, memory loss and heart disease. But they are also useful for preventing urinary tract infections due to their epicatechin, highly antioxidants that prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder.

Blueberries also are inexpensive and add a ½ cup to your fruit salads or vegetables is ideal.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds are valuable for its high content of valuable health absolutely essential oils Omega 3. In fact they are one of the vegetables with more content of Omega 3.

On the other hand brings a lot of fiber, about 2-3 grams in a tablespoon of flax. Its lingans component, act like estrogens and help reducing certain cancers, especially breast related to hormones.

It is also important to its anti-inflammatory power and content of oils and fiber is very effective in cases of constipation. Three tablespoons of flax seeds in a water glass, processed for 3 minutes in the blender offer a linen milk to combat any constipation.

One to two daily tablespoons of ground flax seeds added to your meals will bring enormous benefit to your health.


After aloe vera, garlic plant is the most powerful of the planet and its benefits have been scientifically proven, especially in the aspect of cardiovascular protection.

Circulated an ancient recipe Buddhist monks should be applied only once every five years, due to its enormous residual power. Garlic is antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and sulfur compounds act as potent antioxidants. The main component of garlic is allicin that also gives its strong characteristic odor, but actually consists of more than 100 elements, making it a complex healing food

An effective cardiovascular protection is achieved by consuming about six cloves of garlic a week, this dose also prevents prostate, stomach and colon cancer.


The antioxidant power of cinnamon is huge and its use should be frequent. Different studies have shown its ability to reduce blood sugar levels, making it a powerful and inexpensive ally diabetics.

Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and ¼ teaspoon daily can reduce cholesterol by up to 30% and can prevent blood clots. It is used a lot to lose weight and reduce abdominal fat, for which 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon with ½ tablespoon of honey consumed.

A healthy habit is to drink an infusion of cinnamon before bedtime.


Yogurt probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria maintain the growth of good bacteria and eliminate bad bacteria in the gut.

Yogurt is a good source of calcium and can be useful in cases of ulcers, intestinal inflammation, urinary tract infections, etc.

A cup or ¾ cup nonfat yogurt or low-fat and live cultures is a good daily food choice.


Tea speeds up the metabolism of bad cholesterol (LDL) and this helps protect against heart disease, cancer and stroke. The tea is more powerful antioxidant than any vegetable or fruit.

This antioxidant prevents the formation of blood clots and improves work of blood vessels. There is a 46% lower risk of developing narrowing of the arteries, if one or two cups of tea a day is drunk.

Especially green tea is used in loss programs and weight control, but must be taken between meals to avoid interference with the absorption of iron from food.

Olive oil

Pressed olives release one of the healthiest oils in the world. Because of its monounsaturated fats, olive oil lowers bad LDL cholesterol and increases production of good cholesterol HDL.

The olive oil phenols are antioxidants which protect the walls of the arteries and prevent the strokes.

Food that never be eaten

Fried foods

Fried chicken, fries and other fried foods have in common that contain high content of saturated fat and these fats, like lard, butter and coconut oil raise bad LDL cholesterol and increase the risk of coronary heart disease and some cancers.

These foods are the worst foods you can eat that also show high levels of trans fats, very harmful to health.

Canned tomatoes

According to Fredrick Vom Saal endocrinologist at the University of Missouri, coatings of cans containing BPA, a synthetic estrogen linked to several diseases, from obesity, diabetes and heart problems.

To overcome this risk buy tomatoes packed in bottles free from harmful glass resin.

Microwave popcorn

Olga Naidenko the Environmental Working Group claims that chemicals liners bags of popcorn are chemical compounds that may be linked to infertility. And according to the scientific Naidenko, the microwave makes chemicals to migrate to vaporize popcorn and accumulate the body for years. Different manufacturers, including Dupont have committed to gradually eliminate these chemicals, but meanwhile million bag of popcorn will be sold.

The solution is to use a pan to make popcorn, which can be flavored by adding butter or dried seasonings.

Packaged cakes and cookies

Beliveau argues that processed foods contain trans fatty acids that manufacturers use to convert the liquid oil into solid. The process called partial hydrogenation gives food longer shelf life, but these trans fats raise bad cholesterol and reduce good cholesterol and are some of the worst foods you can eat and according to Health Canada, these fats are associated with increased risk of heart disease.

NOTE: Luis Quiroz Ravines is a Peruvian journalist specializing in natural health, author of an effective  treatment to lose weight naturally. Learn MORE at: WeightLossPeruvianRecipe

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