guava leaves

Stop Hair Loss With Guava Leaves

PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines

Guava leaves for hair?

The key to preventing hair loss is to start appropriate treatment as soon as possible, just notice the appearance of hair loss

The market is full of products to prevent, stop or grow hair, some offer miracle solutions, but most have little effective results.

Others are widely promoted on radio, TV, magazines and department stores, as an example we cite a few: Dr. Miracle's Strengthen Hot, Men's Rogaine, African Pride Olive Miracle, Equate Hair Regrowth, Hair Regrowth Nuhair, etc, etc.

Only a few hair loss products have been approved by the FDA, such as Finasteride and Minoxidil and although they have effective results in many cases should be used indefinitely or hair loss will be more dramatic than before the application of these products.

Natural hair loss treatments based on plants and other elements, are also offered in the market, I myself have created a lotion that I use for years and has drastically stopped my hair loss, is called Hair Loss Natural Solution. I will not ask you to buy my product and so informed you about a homemade recipe to stop hair loss. I have not proven effective, but there is evidence that it works.

Guava leaves to stop hair loss

Guava fruit is soft and sweet aroma and creamy texture, very common in Asian countries but also in Western countries. Guava has white pulp, many seeds and the fruit is yellow or brown skin.

Many consider the guava a super fruit for its many properties to promote health, including leaves and bark. Guava contains 4 times more vitamin C than oranges and nearly 10 times more vitamin A than lemon.

In the field of health, guava is little known, but a study reveals that Guava can reduce high blood pressure, and people who consume continuously guava have a lower risk of cardiovascular problems. Guava tea reduces cholesterol and trigleseridos and is useful for diarrhea and helps the digestive tract due to its fiber content.

The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, reveals that the guava is effective in the control of diabetes mellitus because of its hypoglycemic effect.

Guava leaves stop hair loss

For many men and women hair loss is a difficult problem, but we present a natural alternative that can be very effective to stop and regrow hair.

Scientists say that guava leaves can help hair growth due to its high content of vitamin B, if used regularly.

Using guava leaves

Boil for 20 minutes in water several guava leaves, let it cool and apply gentle massage on the scalp, preferably before going to sleep, to allow guava leaves stimulate hair growth overnight. Cover your head with a towel or a shower cap and rinse the next morning and apply shampoo as usual

This simple application tones and strengthens the hair follicles, roots and generally nourishes all hair and is useful for male hair loss.

About the advantages of guava leaves for hair loss, you can find more information in the article:

Guava Leaves Extract For Hair Growth – 3 Studies Show It Might Work

NOTE: Luis Quiroz Ravines is a Peruvian journalist specializing in Natural Health, author of an effective treatment to stop hair loss naturally. Learn MORE at : Hair Loss Natural Solution

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