aloe vera gel benefits for hair

Aloe Vera Gel Benefits For Hair And Skin

Aloe Vera Gel Benefits For Hair

  1. Luis Quiroz Ravines

Aloe vera is native to Africa and there are more than 400 varieties of the plant. Scientifically is called “aloe barbadensis”, and contains a thick gel that has been used since ancient times for its health and healing properties. The Egyptians called “plant of immortality” and some 2000 years ago the Greeks considered aloe vera as a universal panacea.

Its name derives from the Arabic word “alloeh” is a bitter yellow substance and for millennia has been used for its medicinal properties, especially for the beauty care of hair and skin.

Egyptian queens Cleopatra and Nefertiti regularly used as part of your beauty regimen and Columbus and Alexander the Great used it to heal wounds of their soldiers. It was also widely used in China, India, Greece, Japan, Egypt, and Mexico. In 1655, aloe vera was translated into English by Goodyew the treatise “De Materia Medica” of the Greek physician Dioscorides.

Aloe Vera Gel Benefits For Hair

Choline salicylate, being anti-inflammatory reduce pain and swelling that occur as a result of seborrheic dermatitis and produces significant irritation. On the other hand chondroitin sulfate from the mucopolysaccharides of aloe vera helps in curing certain conditions the scalp.

Additionally, some studies indicate that mucopolysaccharides have moisturizing properties and improve scalp circulation, which is beneficial to look healthy and strong hair. It also helps in this regard the hill, a hydrating natural nutrient. Aloe Vera is commonly applied to the hair to relieve or reduce itching and dryness of the scalp.

aloe vera gel benefits for hair

Many are the causes of hair loss, age, stress, hormonal changes, heredity, skin diseases, etc., does not really matter the cause, the important thing for a person who loses hair is to stop his fall and achieve regrowth and no single cure to achieve this goal. Patience, time and search for a suitable solution, which ranges from natural treatments to surgical hair transplant, which can be costly is required. But if your problem is dry, shriveled, weak or incipient hair loss, the solution may be in your backyard. You can use the pulp of aloe vera to address the problem.

One of the common scalp problems is dandruff, dead skin cells that occur at a faster than normal pace and produce itching and irritation. Another condition is that seborrheic dermatitis-like dandruff irritating but more intense levels due to overproduction of hair oil, which in normal amounts is beneficial for the skin and hair. The accumulation of excess fat mixed with dirt and dust from the air creates special conditions for weakness and hair loss.

On the other hand, dry scalp, caused by low production of sebum from the scalp can cause hair loss and weakening. This condition dryness can be caused by the use of harsh chemicals hair, washed very frequent blow-drying, water shortages and other causes. Capillary dryness also causes itching, fragility and hair loss. Proper use of aloe vera gel could be very useful in these cases and help produce healthy hair fat.

No magical effects with aloe vera on the hair, you have to be persistent and you will see the results within a few days and after a few weeks probably your hair fall stops. But it must simultaneously find and fix the underlying causes, such as stress, poor nutrition or other causes.

Because of its proven healthy and healing properties of aloe vera, it is used to treat burns, hemorrhoids, stomach problems, bad skin and hair, and numerous shampoos, conditioners and hair oils include it in their formulas.

To keep your hair nourished and well hydrated, you can prepare an aloe vera  homemade shampoo in an easy and economical way:


  •  A teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
  •  ¾ cup of liquid soap
  •  15 grams of chamomile or rosemary water
  •  1 tablespoon of aloe vera juice


Boil rosemary or chamomile few minutes

Mix all ingredients and store in the fridge in a glass jar. Shake before normally use any shampoo.

NOTE: Luis Quiroz Ravines is a Peruvian journalist specializing in Natural Health, author of an effective treatment to stop hair loss naturally. Learn more at STOP HAIR LOSS NATURAL SOLUTION

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