Diabetes treatment with mango leaves

Diabetes Treatment With Mango Leaves Is Really An Effective Option?

Diabetes treatment with mango leaves is a new possibility to fight the disease PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines Diabetes treatment and prevent the disease naturally is an article that is intended to alert about the harmful consequences of the disease and how to treat diabetes and prevent it naturally respecting and putting into practice a system 

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cell phones and health

Cell Phones And Health. Does Cell Phone Radiation Causes Brain Cancer?

Can Cell Phones Really Produce Cancer? PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines Cell phones have multiplied by millions, and health problems too. A California Court forced the publication of a document called "Cell Phones and Health" that the Government of California had kept secret for a long time. Citizen Joel Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director of the Center for 

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Diet Rules for Better Health

Diet Rules for Better Health and Weight Loss Are Changing-Latest Trends

Diet Rules for Better Health Are Changing PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines Diet rules are changing and food yesterday banned are backing backed by scientific evidence of not being as harmful as was believed. Nutrition experts frequently change the rules of diet and for example, it is advised to consume eggs, previously considered poisons for cholesterol. 

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blood pressure

Blood Pressure May Decrease by Eating Cocoa, Rich in Magnesium, Reveals Study

PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines Blood pressure could be controlled with chocolate Is this study an excuse to eat more chocolate? There are foods rich in magnesium that according to the study, this mineral, can reduce high blood pressure and cocoa has led to magnesium levels. Other foods high in magnesium that can benefit blood pressure 

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healthier heart

Healthier Heart, How To Maintain It Naturally With simple steps

Healthier heart naturally PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines The statistics on heart disease in the world are alarming. The No. 1 cause of death in the United States is heart disease including stroke, cardiovascular disease and other heart-related. These diseases claim more lives than all cancers combined. Every 60 seconds someone dies in the United States 

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