cancer treatment

Cancer Treatment With Oxygen. The Worst Enemy Of Cancer Is Oxygen

Cancer treatment with oxygen the true Achilles heel of cancer PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines Cancer and its Achilles heel for decades have been ignored by the cancer industry, despite valuable research from institutions like Yale, Duke, Baylor, Harvard, etc. which demonstrated the existence of this Cancer Achilles heel on cancer treatment The following information is 

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natural treatment of high blood pressure

Natural Treatment Of High Blood Pressure With Cocoa Reveals Study

New natural treatment of high blood pressure PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines Is this study an excuse to eat more chocolate? There are foods rich in magnesium that according to the study, this mineral, can reduce high blood pressure and cocoa has led to magnesium levels. Other foods high in magnesium that can benefit blood pressure are 

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how to improve memory

How To Improve Memory Up To 15% With a Simple Trick Reveals Study

PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines The latest study reveals how to improve memory up to 15% For different reasons, age advancement, intense stress or other motivations, memory deteriorates and originates from simple to deep concerns. In serious cases the visit to the specialist is essential. And if we seek to improve memory, we often resort to 

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cancer stage 3

CANCER stage 3 ELIMINATED only using CURCUMA British Medical Journal

Cancer stage 3 was eliminated using nothing more than CURCUMA PC Luis Quiroz Ravines Is it possible to completely eliminate a cancer stage 3 only by using a super food like turmeric? According to the British Medical Journal, which carefully documented the case of a 57-year-old woman, the answer is yes. The big pharmaceutical industry 

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