weight loss tips

13 Fast Weight Loss Tips Evidence-Based That you Should Know

Weight Loss Tips That you Should Know

PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines

In the endless struggle to achieve, maintain, or return to the ideal weight and figure, men and women resort to variety programs, diets, tips and tricks of those who have achieved and maintain their ideal figure; neither more nor fewer pounds, only needed to look spry, jaunty and healthy. In this article, you will find some tips or advice backed by reality and experience and considered top natural weight loss tips.


Weight Loss Tips Evidence-Based

Based on evidence here some weight loss tips that help you lose weight

1-  Drink green tea

Green tea contains potent antioxidants called catechins that by acting synergistically with the caffeine in green tea, helps to burn fat better.

Several studies show that drinking green tea can burn fat and lose weight.

2-  Eat spicy foods

Regular consumption of spicy foods such as chili or cayenne pepper increases metabolism and slightly reduces appetite. This is a good weight loss tips

3-  Eat more vegetables and fruits

It has been shown that people who consume more fruits and vegetables on a regular basis tend to weigh less.

Fruits and vegetables contain lots of fiber, few calories and are rich in water, which gives them a low-calorie density.

4-  Increase protein intake

It is very important to consume lots of protein to lose weight. A diet rich in protein increases metabolism and helps to reduce calories and at the same time feel more satiated with which you can eat about 440 calories less per day.

One study showed that increasing protein by 25% reduced compulsive thoughts by eating by 60%. So one of the easiest ways to lose weight is to increase your calorie intake

The 5 Best Ways to Lose Weight



5-  Never avoid breakfast

A good breakfast, healthy, nutritious and balanced will provide enough calories and energy to meet the challenges of the day. Adequate servings of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates will keep you satisfied and eat less during the course of the day.

In a study of 900 people conducted by British Journal of Nutrition found that people who started the day with a good breakfast felt less hungry during the day. Unfortunately only a third of people eat a full nutritious breakfast; Many start the day on an empty stomach and minimum should be about 250 calories and a good dose of protein.

6-  Reduce sugar intake to about 25 grams daily

Adding sugar is one of the things that sabotage your efforts to lose weight. Try to reduce or phase out the consumption of cookies, ice cream, sweets, biscuits and other sugary foods. While you consume large amounts of these foods the pounds continue to increase.

Replace refined with naturally sweet fruits. Retrain your taste buds. Ezell Tamala that changed her eating habits and lost 105 pounds, ate mangoes containing natural sugar and fiber whenever she had a desire to eat sweets. Do not forget this, is a top weight loss tip of the winners.

7-  Other Top Weight Loss Tip: Drink lots of water

The most famous models always drink a couple of glasses of water before meals, that hydrates and keeps their smoother skin, replenishes lost fluids and gives them a feeling of fullness that finally allows them to eat smaller portions of food to keep a glamorous and healthy figure.

Health and weight are crucial for daily drinking water and this can be achieved by gradually increasing the amount of water consumed. Most experts advise drinking about two liters of water daily, but eventually, the amount will depend on age, activity, and weight of the person.

8-  Not Fad Diets

Crash diets, mono diets or other counseling consume fewer than 1,200 calories a day for women and 1,600 men can succeed at the beginning but later cost of your health and the rebound effect that will make you gain more weight than lost. Weight loss has to be gradual and sustained over time. With these diets, you will lose muscle and will slow your metabolic system and more difficult your efforts to lose weight.

9-  Practice an exercise that you like

And do it regularly, start walking, jogging, dancing or swimming or if you are fit, practice high-intensity exercise, always the gradual and growing way. Any sustained and regular exercise with which you feel comfortable will help you burn calories and build muscle

10-  Other weight loss tip: Record your food intake

The American Journal of Preventive Medicine published a studio that revealed that people who keep track of food eaten during the week, lost twice as much weight than people of another group that did not record their food. The food log is important and vital for weight loss and especially to keep the long term.

Be rigorous, record what you ate, how much you ate and how much you drank. Also record seasonings, condiments, oils etc. So you can every week deletions or changes necessary to the success of your weight loss program.

11-  Beat the hormone that controls hunger

Ghrelin is the hormone that controls hunger and regulates appetite. If you control and understand ghrelin best are your weight loss results.The production of ghrelin increases every 3 to 4 hours after a fasting period, therefore the best way to overcome is to eat small nutritious and balanced meals every three hours. This avoids the appearance of hunger, but include carbohydrates in these small meals otherwise ghrelin fire and hunger and the need to eat sugar or sweets appear. If supervises and controls the increase in ghrelin, you will be winning the battle to lose weight.

12-  A good sleep is important 

Studies have shown that people who sleep less than the time required or are deprived of sleep, are hungrier the next day and consequently gain weight. To control your hunger and lose weight, you should get enough sleep. Experts recommend about eight hours nightly sleep.

13-  Avoid having too hungry

Hunger is a primary drive and if you are very hungry, eat anything that will break planning your weight-loss program. Not to go to extremes to be very hungry, try eating healthy snacks every so often, perhaps a Greek yogurt, a boiled egg, some graham crackers, raisins or something. Do not skip meals and stay long hours without eating something,

NOTE: Luis Quiroz Ravines is a Peruvian journalist specializing in natural health, author of an effective treatment to lose weight naturally. Learn MORE at WeightLossPeruvianRecipe



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