stress relieve

Stress, 7 Simple Ways And Strategies to Relieve It Effectively

Stress How to Relieve It with 7 Simple Ways

PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines

Stress is a word we use when we feel we are overloaded and feel we can not cope with the pressures we face.

In short, anything that threatens our tranquility and well-being is a stress.

But not all tensions are bad, without pressure and without stress, perhaps our life would seem useless.

But when that pressure affects our mental and sometimes physical health, that kind of stress is bad and we must overcome it.

When our mental health is affected, the body to defend itself activates different resources and sometimes our physical health ends up being damaged.

Can happen several changes in our physical health when we are stressed out.

We breathe faster

Increases our heart rate

We slept badly

Increase our blood pressure

Our muscles tighten

Weakens the immune system

Our digestive system slows down

And stress has effects on our thoughts and feelings, for example, we feel:



Feeling insecure






Lack of concentration, etc.

And stress can have effects on our behavior:

Sudden bursts of anger

Eat a lot

Abuse of alcohol

Eat very little

Smoking more

Get away from friends

Abuse of drugs

Craving food

Crying frequently

Having problems relating to the couple, etc., etc.

Things You Should Know About Stress

1. we are all affected by stress

Every now and then we all feel stress, some face stress more effectively and some recover quickly and others do not.

A stress event can be a one-time occurrence or may have a long-term duration. There are different types of stress but all put our physical and mental health at risk.

Some examples of stress:

Routine stress due to family pressures, work, school and different daily responsibilities.

Traumatic stress, caused by a serious event, an assault, an accident, a natural disaster, a war.

Stress caused by unexpected negative changes, a divorce, an illness, loss of employment.

2. Not all stress is bad.

In certain situations, stress can help you prepare yourself, motivate you to face, for example, a job interview or a test.

Even stress can save your life. In a situation of danger, your body is prepared. In these cases your pulse is accelerated, your muscles are tightened, you breathe faster, your brain uses more oxygen and they activate all their function for a survival purpose.

3. If the stress persists in the long term can damage your health.

If stress becomes chronic and lasts too long, the responses that your body emits can have harmful effects on your health, affect your digestive system, weaken your immune system, sleep poorly, and other bodily functions stop working normally.

The type of stress more as the case of the traumatic or chronic is difficult to warn is the routine, because no clear signals are received. Sustained stress can eventually lead to serious health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and numerous other diseases and mental disorders such as anxiety or depression.

4. But stress can be handled.

Over time, the effects of stress accumulate, because it is necessary to take timely measures to prevent or reduce it.

5. Ask a professional if you are overwhelmed by stress.

Seek immediate help if you have suicidal feelings, you are overwhelmed by tensions and you feel you can not cope.

In most cases stress is manageable and the good news is that with helpful strategies and patience can be reduced and stress relieved.

Stress Management Strategies: Ways to Unwind


 The following 7 tips  can help you deal with stress

1 .Seek emotional support by contacting family members, friends or social or religious organizations.

Do not hesitate to call a friend and tell him about your problems. A calm voice, even for a short time, sometimes it can be useful in cases of intense stress

2 .Listen relaxing music

are evident the positive effects on the body and brain of the peaceful and relaxing music; can reduce blood pressure and decrease the production of cortisol, a hormone related to stress.

3 .Eat nutritious food

Proper diet is critical to fighting stress. Tension moves us away from good eating and we often resort to sugary snacks, fatty foods, and fast food. Try to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, eat fish and drink plenty of water.

4. Drinks tea

Avoid coffee and instead drink green tea containing remarkable antioxidants and an amino acid called theanine with remarkable calming effects on the brain.

5. Sleep more

Lack of sleep is a cause of stress and tension makes you lose sleep, is a vicious circle that must be combated. Try to sleep about eight hours, turn off the lights and the TV, reduce noise and try to get the dream.

6 .Practice exercises even for a few minutes

In a situation of intense stress, a little exercise can offer immediate relief. You do not have to run or lift weights; simply an external short walk or even inside the office can release endorphins and almost immediately relieve stress

7. Breathe deeply

When it comes to stress, taking a deep breath can be effective in reducing stress. Buddhist monks have for centuries used deliberate breathing to gain inner peace and tranquility.

Three to five minutes of deep breathing can help relieve stress immediately. Sitting on a chair, with your hands on your knees and flat feet, breathe deeply and exhale, repeat several times. Deep breathing carries oxygen into your blood and allows you to clear your mind.

Additionally, make changes in your lifestyle and try to include practices of meditation, yoga, tai chi, pilates etc. Disciplines that include mental and physical exercises and can significantly reduce your stress.

NOTE: Luis Quiroz Ravines is a Peruvian journalist specializing in natural health, author of an effective treatment to lose weight naturally. Learn MORE at Weight Loss Peruvian Recipe


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