chia seeds

7 Powerful Reasons To Consume Chia Seeds More Often

Chia Seeds 7 Science-Backed Health Benefits

PC. Luis Quiroz Ravines

Chia Seeds

In the ancient Mayan language, chia means "strength".

For the ancient Mayans and Aztecs, chia seeds have been a staple food. The plant is native to Mexico and Guatemala and is known as Salvia hispanica.

For its enormous energetic power, the ancient Aztec warriors, before each battle ate a spoonful of chia seeds and could be satiated for 24 hours. Because of its numerous medicinal properties, they were even used as coins.

Latest research reveals that the health benefits of chia seeds are more extensive than previously believed.

It has been shown that regular consumption promotes stronger muscles, healthier skin, slower aging, and healthier digestive and cardiac systems, including that it could reverse diabetes.

7 healthy properties of chia seeds

1-Digestive health

The National Institutes of Health maintain that the seeds of chia and flax can be elements of the natural balance of blood sugar because of its high fiber content.

According to the American Dietetic Association, chia provides 11 grams of fiber per ounce. The chia creates in the stomach, a kind of gelatin due to the soluble fiber of the seeds that can function as a probiotic substance that promotes the formation of probiotics in the intestine.

Several studies have shown that chia seeds absorb a large amount of water and expand rapidly in the stomach, which reduces appetite and can help in the process of losing weight.

The high content of dietary fiber benefits the intestinal regularity and relieves constipation.

2- Skin and aging

Antioxidants prevent damage and accelerate the repair of the skin and chia has a high concentration of antioxidants (natural phenolics) and scientifically it has been shown that antioxidants eliminate up to 70% of free radicals harmful to health and especially because they accelerate aging.

So consuming chia seeds can reduce inflammation of the damage of free radicals and consequently prevent aging and retard it.

Mexican researchers showed that chia had twice the concentration of natural phenols (antioxidants) than previously reported. The research proves the antioxidant value of these small seeds that have become a very popular super food in the natural health community.

3- Chia seeds Help treat diabetes

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition reveals a research carried out by professors from the Universidad de Litoral in Argentina who tried to determine the effect of chia seeds to prevent factors in the development of diabetes, due to its high fiber content and Alpha-linolenic acid.

Chia may prevent metabolic disorders such as dyslipidemia (excess blood fat) and insulin resistance.

To determine these effects of chia, the scientists conducted two studies which revealed remarkable data.

First, they evaluated a group of healthy rats for 3 weeks to which they were given a diet rich in sucrose, (SRD) at this stage the main source of fat was provided by chia.

-In the second test, another group of healthy rats was only fed for 3 months with a diet rich in sucrose (exuding chia) and all developed insulin resistance and excess blood fat (dyslipidemia)

The results were surprising:

– In the rats of the first trial fed sucrose and chia, their blood levels did not change at all. Eating chia seeds, completely avoided in these rats the appearance of dyslipidemia and insulin resistance although for three weeks they were fed with 65% sugar.

In the second test, rats fed only sugar, which was diabetic and dyslipidemic, were fed chia and sucrose (SRD) for two months and, surprisingly, all recovered from their conditions of dysplasia and excess blood fat.

The researchers also found that including chia in the diet reduces belly fat, the ie visceral adipose tissue that affects the body's metabolism and is an important component of obesity.

This important study carried out by Argentine researchers showed that chia seeds are capable of stopping diabetes and even reversing it.

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4-Useful for Heart Health

Chia has the important ability to regulate cholesterol, reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure, which is extremely useful for heart health.

In addition, by frequently consuming chia, which has the ability to reverse oxidative stress, atherosclerosis is less likely to be consumed regularly.

An important investigation carried out in Massachusetts affirms that the results of studies on the effects of chia in humans and animals demonstrate a possible activity for coronary diseases, allergies, athletic performance, hormonal disorders, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cerebrovascular accidents, cancer, vasodilation, etc.

Other evidence suggests that chia may also have antioxidant, anticoagulant and antiviral effects.

Even though the chia seed is very small, it is full of healthy fats and contains more Omega 3 than the sparkling salmon. And omega 3 works to reduce blood pressure, protect the heart and reduce inflammation and bad cholesterol and when inflammation exerts blood vessels and causes heart disease.

The Hispanic Salvia (chia) has a high content of a fatty acid called linoleic that allows the body that the fat-soluble vitamins like A, E, D, and K are better absorbed

So eating chia can protect your heart because of its omega 3 oils.

5-Helps to lose weight and build muscle

Chia seeds absorb up to ten times their weight in water. This feature allows them to improve the absorption of electrolyte nutrients and prolong hydration.

This property also allows you to slow down your digestion and maintain a feeling of fullness for longer and decrease the need for sugar

Leptin is a key hormone that regulates appetite and chia is high in zinc, an element that increases the production of leptin, a hormone that regulates the levels of energy consumption in the body. Chia also improves muscle endurance.

Chia is one of the plants with more protein content which makes it ideal to increase muscle mass, burn fat and allow a balance of blood sugar levels.

Chia seeds have a great antioxidant power and are rich in minerals such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, niacin, zinc.

6-Chia Fight against cancer of the cervix and breast

The Journal of Molecular Biochemistry in 2013 discovered that alpha lipoic acid (or ALA), which is an omega-3 fatty acid, limited the growth of cancer cells in cervical and breast cancers without harming healthy cells.

And chia seeds are rich in alpha lipoic acid (or ALA), which is an omega-3 fatty acid.

So consuming chia seeds could prevent the onset of these types of cancers.

7-Chia increases energy levels and metabolism

The Journal of Strength and Conditioning published a study that revealed that the regular consumption of chia increases the performance of exercises for ninety minutes in the same way that it increases the performance of a sports drink filled with sugar, but without the collateral damages produced by the sports drink

In the aforementioned study, 50 of the 100 participating athletes drank only Gatorade while the other 50 consumed half of Gatorade and half of chia seeds.

The times of both groups of runners were equal and the group that consumed chia consumed less sugar.


In summary regular consumption of chia seeds can be beneficial for your digestive health, your skin, hair, prevent diabetes, increase energy. improve metabolism, slow down old age, help you in pregnancy, increase muscle mass, for your dental health, weight loss and more.

Due to its high fiber content you should consume plenty of water. One to two tablespoons a day would be the recommended dose.

Be careful, start little by little until your body adjusts to the most fiber.

The seeds can be eaten raw, or form a gel by soaking them in water.

It is an excellent way to thicken juices, soups, and smoothies for its ability to absorb up to 10 times its weight in water.

There are numerous reasons to consume chia seeds and the best time is to start right now to enjoy its wonderful benefits.

NOTE: Luis Quiroz Ravines is a Peruvian journalist specializing in Natural Health, author of an effective treatment to stop hair loss naturally. Learn MORE at



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